A Day's Work
Dave Desario
2014 / U.S. / 54min
90 minutes before he was killed on his first day of work as a temporary employee, 21-year-old Day Davis texted a picture of himself to his girlfriend, excited for their future. Now Day’s sister, 17-year-old Antonia, searches for answers. An investigation reveals the troubling issues that led to Day’s death and how the $100 billion temporary staffing industry is putting millions of American workers at risk.

Director (Special Guest)
Dave DeSario is the Executive Producer of the film A Day's Work, the Founding Member of the Alliance for the American Temporary Workforce (AATW), the only group advocating nationally for all temp workers, and a former temp worker himself. He built and maintains the leading online resource for information on the temporary staffing industry at www.TemporaryEmployees.org and screens A Day's Work as the centerpiece of an effort to raise awareness of critical issues affecting the workforce.
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